- 1.The operators (i.e. the Oita Prefecture, hereinafter ‘we’) shall not be responsible for upholding the integrity, accuracy, reliability, usability etc. of the contents posted on ‘The OITA’ (hereinafter ‘the website’).
- 2.We are not liable to any damage caused by the delivery, delay, change or termination of website’s services. This includes damages incurred by leaks and loss of information caused by posting through the website, as well as all other similar reasons.
- 3.Under the event where the website’s user cause damage or fall into dispute with a third-party, the user in question shall cover all compensation with his own expense without causing complications or damages to the website’s operator.
- 4.When linking the website, operators of the referring sources shall be held accountable for their own contents – we shall not be liable to contents displayed on referring sources. Furthermore, we bear no responsibility under the event where members of the Mioclub cause damage to a third-party, or fall into dispute with a third-party due to infringement of rights.
- 5.The Oita Prefecture is not liable for any damage caused by the usage of the website, or lack thereof.